COVID-19 Policy

      RaeGunn Arts Tattoo is happy to begin operation! We care about the safety of clients, artist and the public as we begin operations with COVID-19 being in the forefront of our minds. Universal Precautions, State and City Health Department Regulations will be implemented AS WELL as precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

 These are a few new guidelines RaeGunn Arts is requiring for operation. (Please note, some of these requirements may change as information is given by the State and City Health Department)

1.Temperature will be taken prior to beginning tattoo appointment and consultation process. If a temperature of or close to 100.4 is present, rescheduling will be required.

2.Face Masks will be required for client and artist throughout entire tattoo process and consultation process. If face mask is not available for the client the day of tattoo appointment or consultation appointment, rescheduling appointments will be necessary. 

3. Hands will be washed/sanitized with the proper anticeptics entering the tattoo room and upon reentering tattoo room for any reason. (Rinsing hands off with only water will not suffice.)

4. If ill, or any symptoms of COVID-19 are present with artist/and clients rescheduling will be required. (Symptoms include *found on CDC website*)

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

5. ONE on ONE interactions ONLY. No other guests allowed for any reason in tattoo room or waiting area. 

These practices are in place to protect the clients, artist and the public. If there are any questions at all regarding these guidelines please email the studio owner at